Starfallen Syndicate



We're a system of 350+ headmates, bodily 20, white (Polish), perisex (probably)

Plural they/them for describing whole system. Collectively nonhuman. Vexlian — our "human"/"singlet" gender is non-binary trans boy.

We are living and studying (art therapy) in Poland, so we might not get some of the US-centric discourse. Also, we tweet both in English and Polish, sorry for that.


DNI if: pro-contact MAP/zoo, or if interacting with us breaks your own DNI.

bigots and other terrible people will be blocked if they get really annoying, otherwise we'll rather try to debate them or ignore them

views (shortly):

  • left/post-left, varying between marxist, leftcom, ancom, ansynd, classic socialism, insurrectionist, stirnerist, post-civ & a few other variations, but collectively:

  • intersectional feminist

  • pro-sex work

  • BLM, anti-racism, pro land back, pro immigration

  • ACAB

  • pro-Ukraine, pro-Palestine, pro-Rojava

  • inclusionist (queer, alth+, plural)

  • pro-self diagnosis

  • prokink, proship, propara, anti-abuse/anti-contact

also important to note:

  • we might throw around lots of sex jokes

  • we swear a lot

  • we will call ourselves with slurs we can reclaim


Fandom list

These are fandoms we might be interacting with. We're not very active in most of these, however if any of these are on your blacklist, feel free to block us

  • David Bowie

  • Hannibal

  • Discworld

  • Sandman

  • Labirynth

  • Warriors

  • Good Omens

  • The Boys

  • Marvel (MCU, Spiderverse, comics)

  • Ghost

System Members you'll probably get to meet

As our system is rather big, we have a rotating group of main fronters. But there are also alters that tend to get closer to front randomly too. So this is a list of those of us, who you will meet probably. We might sign off with names or with emojis

  • Jack — he/him, introject of Jack Celliers from Merry Christmas Mr Lawrence 🌺

  • Tomek — he/it/meow/zap, cat-like alien. 🌿

  • Zeke — they/it, reptile-like alien.🪨

  • Rowan — he/it, cat-like hellish sorcerer. 🪐

  • Crane — xe/he/it, robot.💡

  • Zohar — xe/they, reptile-like alien.🪓

  • Thorn — they/it/he, cat-like necromancer. 🌙

  • Snowy (Śnieżek) — he/him, snow panther cub, (little)❄️

  • Lederg — he/it, lynx🗝️

  • Sylvian — he/they, leopard-like demigod. 🐆

  • Birch — they/it, shapeshifting monster (lycaon, raccoon, demon) 🌳

  • Dusk — xe/they/it, shapeshifting monster (maned wolf, black leopard, demon) 🌑

  • Azrael — zhe/they/he, angel of death. ⏳

  • Nathan — he/him, weretiger cyborg. 🫀

  • James — he/they, cat-like noir detective. 🗞️

  • Peter Parker / Spider-Noir — he/him, fictive (blend of his comic book and ITSV versions). 🕸️

  • Mapleheart — he/him, cat (and sort-of fictive/OCtive) 🍁

  • River — they/xe, shapeshifting monster (wolf, black jaguar, demon) 🦴

  • Duke — he/him, werecat 🥛

  • David — he/him, werewolf ⚡


Disorders and Neurodivergency

We will not disclose which of these are diagnosed professionally and which are self-diagnosed — and we are not obligated to do so.

  • Autism

  • DID

  • C-PTSD

  • ADHD

  • GAD

  • OCD


  • +strong suspicion of some sort of psychotic disorder



We are not going to divide queer, plural and alterhuman ones here. They are frequently overlapping, too. And also, this is only list of broader terms we identify with (or at least some of us do), we won't go into hyperspecific things like every little xenogender we found. Underlined identities are the ones we live completely publicly as, other things: it varies, we won't deny them if confronted, though

  • Plural

  • Quoigenic/Praesigenic

  • Vexlian

  • Transgender

  • Transsexual

  • Transspecies

  • Holothere

  • Otherkin

  • Therian

  • Were-

  • Fictionkin

  • Nonhuman

  • Physically nonhuman

  • Kerbero

  • Ahuman

  • Aldernic

  • Archetrope

  • Otherpunk

  • Ontopunk

  • Voidpunk

  • Rabiespunk/rabies pride

  • Feralpunk

  • Beastpunk

  • Neogender

  • Neurogender

  • Kenochoric (&transkenoine)

  • Kingender

  • Xenogender (&transxenine)

  • Neutral, Neutrois, Neither, Null (&transneutral)

  • Macashric (&transmacarine)

  • Feruvel

  • Aethine

  • Abinary

  • Elsegender

  • Outherine (&transoutherine)

  • Agenrine, AGIN, agenderspec, gendervoid (&transagenrine)

  • Mascpunk, Masculine, Man (binary, midbinary and abinary), Boy, T-boy (&transmasc)

  • Boyprox, virprox

  • Genderfluid

  • Altervexo

  • Post-furry

  • Butch

  • Genderfuck

  • Bi

  • Pan

  • Abro

  • Mspec

  • Acespec

  • Arospec

  • Aroace

  • Gay

  • Veldian

  • Toric

  • Trixic



necrophilia, biastophilia, sadism, antropophagolagnia, erotophonophilia, piquerism, hematolagnia, amokoscisia, somnophilia, autozoophilia, autoteratophilia


Multiple Code


MuC N++++#$- | P[gf/m/nb/gq/nb/o"genderhoarder, genderfaun, xenine"/qr/bi] | A(b-/r---/+++!!!/^) | S. ++ | Ot | Mpm/ds/ps/l | Wx/e/f/w/c/b/t/s/u/i/y/~/+ | C(cc++/m-) | OF(r/o+) | F#+ | Mpsy+~/ast~/cry!/spi~ | Rf/p/qp/m/r+ | V* | Xg/b/p/ar/as/q/o"pomo" | Gm/n/nb/a/g/o/gq | Ja/ch/st/wr/ed | S(r-/o+) | R^